Johnny Trigger Game Online

When the police can’t cope with the rise of crimes in the city, they call you! Unstoppable agent Johnny is at the civil security service once again, and he wants to show you his incredible tricks with the gun!

Follow his swift movements and catch the right moment to shoot one or a couple more mafia killers at a time. You have only one chance to put them to sleep, then the turn goes to the villains. And they will be very accurate!

When the agent spins in the air, time slows down from your point of view. Take control over the pistol’s aim and shoot the armed jailbreakers. Everyone who has chosen the evil side will be punished! Make sure you won’t cross the line and the hostages will remain in safety. All in all, they are counting on your protection!

The bounty for your head grows with each game level. The mafia gets nervous and sends its most valuable units to defend the snakes’ den. Your hero takes the increased attention as a compliment and responds on the same level as a gentleman by nature.

Observe the location for explosive barrels, weights hung insecurely on thin ropes, or firm beams nice for ricocheting. You will likely be drunk with superiority but consider possible obstacles that can work against your excellent plan.

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